"Damn!" I muttered to myself, "Where is that guy when you really need him?"
I had been trying to summon Dr. N for a couple of weeks now, ever since it seemed likely that Obama was bound and determined to blow shit up in the Middle East and take us into yet another war. Now don't get me wrong, I can be just as much a warmonger as the next guy, given the right time and place. Check out Ecclesiastes 3:8 if you want some back up on that. But this, says me to myself, is bullshit, and I fired off emails to my congressman and senators telling them in no uncertain terms, "Hell no, we won't go!", and "Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?" and "No more war; no more war!" I know, those are warmed over chants from my Vietnam protest days that I dragged down from the attic, but I think they still have juice left in them.
So just when it seemed like I was going to have to venture out and make some predictions on my own I got an email from, you guessed it, The Maestro Himself, the One and Only Dr. Michel de Nostradamus, Seer of Seers, Prognosticator of Prognosticators, Visionary Par Excellente, Prophet of Doom and Gloom and Master Horse Whisperer of the Apocalypse. Yes, that guy, my mentor and employer. (And no, I will not give out his email address, just in case you might try to make an end run around me, the Good Doctor's One and Only Officially Authorized Spokesman and Chief Apprentice.)
"What do you want, Number One?" he wrote.
"How do I know it is you on the other end of the line?" I wrote.
"What.Do.You.Want?" was the rather curt answer.
"Okay, chill already. I want to know what is going to happen with this Syria shit and how come you didn't tip me off this was coming down the pike?"
"First off, the Middle East is unraveling; it's a big dog fight and what happens when you stick your hand into the middle of a dog fight? (That's a rhetorical question by the way.) You get bit, that's what happens; and the dogs continue to fight. The American Empire is biting off more than it can chew for this, the Last Supper; in fact the Middle East is more than anybody can chew and this is not going to end well; in fact, this will not even end for many decades, until the last dog is hung, to continue the metaphor.
"Second off, I did predict this shit; not that it takes a Nostradamus (ha ha) to see it coming."
"Okay," I wrote, "That's pretty much what I was thinking, too. Anything else?"
(Originally posted September 8, 2013)
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