Friday, February 22, 2019

Nostradamus Speaks - The Daily Grind

The Daily Grind

We met at Starbucks at 9:30 a.m. to work through what is evolving into a daily Q and A. Dr. Nostradamus was already there with a grande Mocha Latte with whipped cream and sprinkles.  He was just pouring into that brew a triple espresso as I sat down. 

"Let's just get on with this, Number One," He said.

So, I started in getting on.

The Rev. Billy Bob of Fredericksburg is back and writes a nice letter this time:
"Dear Dr. Nostradamus, what does the future hold for the Christian Church in America?"

Dr. N speaketh:
They traded their soul for the intoxication of hate;
Rejected, scorned, ignored by their young;
All claim to moral authority dust in their mouths;
The Evangelicals fear the day of judgment.

"Wow!" I thought to myself, "A quatrain. Prognostication gone retro."

This from Virginia from Virginia: 
"Gobbledygook, gobbledygook..... gobbledygook."

Dr. N speaketh: 
Madness --
Without method --
Is just --


"Alice from South Dakota asks.......

"Dr. N speaketh:

Walt Mittey Jr., from Siberia writes: 
"Dear Nostradamus, oops, Dear Abbey, or is it Ann Landers?...."

"Don't answer. I'm going to block this guy, Sensei," I said. "You should just woke his disrespectful sarcastic ass and he will be whistling the Battle Hymn of the Republic out of both sides of his mouth."

"Jimmy from New York has a followup:
Doctor N, he writes, What will happen to Donald Trump's base, which I may, or may not be, a part of?"

Dr. N speaketh: 
"The stench of the Orange Pretender clings close like white on rice;
Stays longer than stink on shit. Everything dies.
To those with any sense left,
Git while the gittin's good."

"Retro gone wild!" I yelped. "Happy days are here again."

"Wait," I yelled at Dr. Nostradamus as he walked away, "I've got a boatload of these to go through."


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